Avoid the RBA Interest Rate Hikes by Refinancing Your Mortgage

Avoid the RBA Interest Rate Hikes by Refinancing Your Mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage can be daunting, especially in today’s market where interest rates are so high. Our mortgage brokers are experts in the industry and can help you navigate the complex process of refinancing your home loan. With this post, I was looking to provide some guidance for escaping the trap of rising interest rates through the use of our communication with many banks and lenders and the ability to get you the best home loan product on the market.

Avoid the RBA Interest Rate Hikes by Refinancing Your Mortgage
Benefits of Refinancing 

With today’s terribly high-interest rates, it is crucial to refinance now and get your mortgage in order, if you’re on a low fixed rate at the moment when that expires you will be going to the standard variable rate which is a very dramatic increase (Is your mortgage a low fixed interest-rate?) and if you are on variable-rate, you could be faced with even higher interest rates as the interest rates predictably increase.  The benefits of refinancing with us are extremely good rates and the personal experience we provide, we work for you, not the bank meaning we can get you variable rates as low as 4.74% (down from the current standard of 7.77%) and fixed rates of as low as 4.94%!

What you can do! 

When considering refinancing your home loan, there are several important factors to consider. With our contacts and active conversations with many banks, we can confidently predict that further RBA increases are to be expected over the next 1-2 years leaving you with 2 options. Firstly, we can help you get a fixed rate as low as 4.94% in order to avoid the standard rate of up to 7.77%, we can then re-evaluate what the market looks like after all the increases have occurred. Alternatively, we can get you a variable rate as low as 4.74% and you can play the RBA’s game from a much lower point. 


What You Need to Know About Lenders Mortgage Insurance in Australia

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a way to get better value out of your home loan then refinancing is exactly what you need! One of our mortgage brokers will be able to provide expert advice tailored specifically towards finding you the most competitive rate possible while ensuring that all relevant factors such as future RBA movements, fixed vs variable terms, etc are taken into consideration before making any decisions – giving customers peace of mind that they’ll get the best deal possible out there! Refinancing has never been easier so don’t wait any longer – contact us today at Loan Location and let us start working for YOU!

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