Financing the ‘GAP’ with an unsecured personal loan

Helping my clients successfully finance their home is truly an incredible feeling, but we all know it’s getting harder and harder to do it. Cautious lenders and snail-like growth of customer incomes means you’re working hard but the numbers are hardly working.

According to Domain, nearly half of all home buyers need to source additional funds for their home purchase outside of existing savings and a standard mortgage. That’s where my team and I can assist.

My Team and I can help with a smarter and fairer way to finance the “gap.”

Finance the ‘gap” with a personal loan

Borrowing the extra dollars required via a personal loan may, subject to your circumstances, be more cost effective than increasing the size of the mortgage and having to pay Lender’s Mortgage Insurance (LMI).

Raising the extra money for you in an affordable way can be the difference between your dream home or the rent trap. See “is Rent Money Dead Money

Do you need a personal loan?

With loans for “any worthwhile purpose,” terms of 3 or 5 years, amounts up to $50,000 and rates starting at 8.50% p.a. (comparison rate 9.25% p.a.), a personal loan is a very flexible financing tool.

Don’t need to finance the ‘GAP’?

That is perfectly fine! Clients obtain unsecured personal loans for many reasons like

  • Classic Cars
  • Holidays
  • Furniture
  • Landscaping
  • Medical Bills
  • Dental Bills
  • Almost Anything!

So if you not in the market to finance the ‘GAP’ but just want to treat yourself then go ahead and contact us below.

***Please Note – this post is not recommending that you finance 100% of your property purchase. The above information is advising on helping you with a personal loan when you have already saved an amount of funds and just need a little extra to make it all happen.

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    We do all types of home loans like refinance and personal loans