The Definitive Guide to Monthly vs Fortnightly Repayments

The Definitive Guide to Monthly vs Fortnightly Repayments

When it comes to making mortgage payments, many of us feel overwhelmed. After all, what is the difference between monthly and fortnightly repayments? Is one way better than the other? In this definitive guide, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of making monthly and fortnightly repayments so you can optimize your mortgage investments and ensure you’re getting the best return for your money. So read on to learn more about how monthly vs fortnightly repayments can give you a huge advantage in managing your finances.

Monthly Repayments

When making monthly mortgage payments, you’re essentially making one payment a month for the duration of your loan. The good thing about this option is that it’s simple and easy to understand. You know exactly when each payment is due and don’t have to worry about forgetting or missing a payment. However, with this option, you may end up paying more in interest over the life of your loan because you’re not taking advantage of the compounding effect from early repayment opportunities. 


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Fortnightly Repayments

With fortnightly repayments, you make half of your regular monthly payment every two weeks instead of just once a month. Doing so allows you to take advantage of the compounding effect from early repayment opportunities, which can save you a considerable amount of money in interest over the life of your loan. Additionally, this option could potentially help with budgeting since you make payments more frequently. The downside to fortnightly repayments is that it takes twice as much time and effort to set up the payment schedule and track progress. 

Deciding Between The Two

Ultimately, when deciding between monthly vs fortnightly repayments for your mortgage repayment plan, consider your individual financial situation and goals. Think about whether or not you’re comfortable making multiple payments each month and what kind of savings you’d like to achieve from early repayment opportunities. Let’s also factor in convenience – would it better suit your lifestyle if you just had one payment due per month or would paying every two weeks make more sense? Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which option is best for your situation. 

We hope this guide has helped shed some light on monthly vs fortnightly repayments and how they can help optimize your mortgage investments. Whether you opt for monthly or fortnightly repayments, remember that making payments on time and in full each month is key to staying on top of your loan obligations. Good luck!

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