MAFS + Money

Have you given up on the hope to find the one true Mortgage (love) at first sight? With endless lenders, and options, now available to borrowers to partner with and it can be a difficult task to sieve through the options and find the right option for mortgage bliss. Like any relationship, be it romantic, professional, or financial; ensuring you are getting out, what you put in is key for relationship prosperity and longevity. 

When was the last time you sat down and evaluated whether you were in a healthy and mutually giving relationship with your bank? 

Whilst it may seem overwhelming at first to reassess your options when it comes to your mortgage, it is greatly beneficial. Much like counting the years of marriage, borrowers tend to lose interest in their interest leading them to fall victim of rate apathy, causing them to forfeit on potential savings. With the lending landscape constantly changing, it is important to frequently equip yourself with the facts and figures, to ensure you are receiving the best possible outcome for your hard-earned dollar. 

One of the few benefits of the Covid-19 pandemic is the pressure it has placed on the banks, slashing their interest rates to as low as 1.89 percent. Not only has this led to greater buyer confidence, but it’s also given the average Australian the opportunity to save thousands off their mortgage. The benefits are not limited to savings on interest only. These historically low rates are opening the door for many borrowers to refinance their mortgages to expand their property portfolio or undertake the home renovations that have been put off. The options available to borrowers, right now, are limitless and the closest to rate-less we will see for a long time.

Finding the most suitable option on offer from the forty lenders available and understanding any extra terms and conditions that might apply to refinancing your mortgage is no easy game. Leave the matchmaking to us and we’ll put the power in your hands to choose whether you will stay or leave at the next mortgage commitment ceremony.

Are you ready to be matched? Give us a call today!

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