New Opportunities for First Home Buyers

Exciting Updates on the Home Guarantee Scheme FY24!

We have some fantastic news for those of you dreaming of owning a home! The Home Guarantee Scheme (HGS) FY24 has expanded its eligibility criteria, opening doors for many more potential homeowners. Let’s dive into the details:

What's New in the Home Guarantee Scheme FY24?

1. All Schemes: 

Great news for permanent residents! You’re now eligible across all guarantees: First Home Buyer, Family Home, and Regional First Home Buyer.

2. First Home and Regional First Home Buyer Guarantees:

If you haven’t owned a property in the last decade, you’re back in the game! You can now apply even if you’re not a first-time home buyer.

Thinking of buying a home with a friend or a sibling? Joint applications have just become easier!

3. Family Home Guarantee:

Single legal guardians, this one’s for you! If you have a dependent under your care, you can now apply. Whether you’re an aunt, uncle, or grandparent, this is your chance.

What About the Paperwork?

We’ve streamlined the process to make it super easy for you:

  • Joint applications? It’s a breeze!
  • Permanent residents? Just a couple of straightforward checks and you’re good to go.
  • And remember, we’re here to handle the nitty-gritty details, ensuring a smooth journey for you.

Income Eligibility: 

  • For those applying between 1 July 2023 and 31 August 2023, you can provide an estimated income in the application. However, make sure to get your FY23 tax return sorted out soon. After 31 August 2023, you’ll need your actual FY23 tax details.

Don't Miss Out!


Slots for the FY24 HGS scheme are limited. If you fit the new criteria, consider getting started soon to secure your place.

We’re always here to help. Reach out anytime, and we’ll guide you every step of the way.


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